The Timeless Experiment
Removing all product images in a radical test of timeless design.

The Swedish essentials brand ASKET is known for its commitment to uncompromisingly timeless design. To test the product’s timelessness, ASKET removed all product images from its experience and replaced them with an invitation: Imagine the garments in your mind.Why? Because the garments are so timeless that you don’t have to see them to know what they look like.

The most significant part was the three-day removal of all product images from By swapping the images for blank surfaces, the audience was invited to imagine a t-shirt, a sweatshirt, or an Oxford shirt. In theory, the mental image would resemble the appearance of the garments. After three days, sales had dropped by only 15%, which proved that 85% of the visitors considered ASKET’s garments to be so timeless that they didn’t need any visuals to make a purchase. Of these, 44% were new customers.

The campaign was rolled out across 360 surfaces, from billboards and posters all over Stockholm and London, to social media and digital assets. Every surface was completely copy-driven, communicating the same simple idea without images.

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– Vogue Business
Presenting The Permanent Lookbook. A lookbook without one single image of the collection.
Presenting The Permanent Lookbook. A lookbook without one single image of the collection.
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This campaign wasn’t made in isolation. ASKET has a track record of challenging industry standards and consumer habits, from closing on Black Friday to launching a garment footprint receipt and implementing repair and take-back services. Their refusal of seasonal collections and discounts underscores their deep commitment to responsible consumption.With this campaign, ASKET encouraged people to own fewer, timeless garments to use for longer. They made their audience experience ASKET’s collection without showing a single image of it. Because if you close your eyes and imagine the most iconic garments of today, they will hopefully look like ASKET’s.

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